Her Time Behind Bars...

Thursday, March 01, 2001

well folx...BlackHistoryMonth is finally over!
and let me tell you...
i am burnt...crispy...like a damn charred steak...
tonite are the nominations for the nextBSU Executive Board and there is a part of me that just wants to run for the hills...
Of coursemy advisor was very understanding...as he always is and encouraging which is why i am nominating him for this award that goes to the best faculty/staff member...but we joked that he probably wouldn't get it cause they don't want to see a brotha like him (direct, honest, supportive of all my radical ideas etc) get an award that says that what he is doing is the standard that all faculty and staff should look up to...yeah...cause he's the bomb!
i swear...he will be the godfather of my kids...cause he is like the tightest faculty/staff member on this campus!
Anyway...i am really having second thoughts about this whole presidency thing...i mean all i did was stress this year...especially...all i did was stress this year...i mean i was so damn busy and personally i think i was very very unorganized...frankly...i didn't have good training but shit it all paid off cause guess what...no one knew that i was not organized...shit i made it work...
*LOL* (thinking to myself about some post i read in greek chat where someone said (paraphrasing)..."when you are on line there is no such thing as "I"...it is "WE"...and here I am going on about I, I, I...*sigh* but you know what...it was I...i was the backbone...and (my aries nature) i was the one who made it work...i made it happen...me!
*now that i have sufficiently stroked my ego*
its too much work...and shit...i don't know if i want to do it all again...
Sure next year could be different...i mean there is a whole new board coming in...and hell next year is my senior year and i want to go out with a bang!!! you know?
But i did think about something...
there is this organization called Women Of Color Association (WOCA) that i would love to turn around!
i mean what a great challenge...they could do SOOOOOOO much but do SOOOOO little....i would be so geeked to make sure that organization became an active member of the UMM campus...seriously...
like for instance...this is Womens Week...
do you realize the stuff they could have done? instead last week they put up some old weak ass black history month "facts"...i mean damn...
do they even realize the shit that they could have done? nope!
i mean they could have done plenty of stuff about...FGM which happens to many women of color all over the world...
damn a meeting calls...
to be continued...

Saturday, February 24, 2001
yeah...did the monologues last night...
doing 'em again tonite...got alot to say
but no words to say it in...

Friday, February 23, 2001
...a'ight peep it...
today is V-day at the little
hole in the wall called UMM
and I'm in the play...
I'm doing "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could"...
and...i'm scared shitless
thats for another blog...

Monday, February 19, 2001

when will BlackHistoryMonth
be over with? seriously...
i used to love BHM...i would walk around with my head a tad bit higher...than normal...announcing to anyone who could hear it...
"February is...BlackHistoryMonth!"
But now i'm like...please let this shit be over cause...negroes (yeah i took it back) are lazy-ass ignorant muthafuckas who don't deserve a month!
but then of course i look at the attendance of things like the Semi-Formal we had on Saturday and yeah the ignorant lazy ones are
there but shit...we pulled in a gang of loot and 80+ people attended looking dapper dashing and absolutely lovely the way we black people do it...and i have to say...with a big sigh..."i love black folx"...that is until the next time they piss me off...*chuckle*
as you've probably been seeing from my baby's blog...shes been in and out of a funk for awhile...and shit i don't know what to do...
but hey isn't that the plight of most men & studs...
we see the pain...
i even took time away from school last friday just to spend a few moments of quality time with the boo...playing Uno...and being as considerate and giving as i could to make her feel good...
she was still going through her thang...
and i know that some of it is pms...but str8 up she needs to feel needed and wanted...
and hell me being always busy does not help us any...
so here i am sitting back trying not to allow her mood to get me down...because intellectually i recognize...
shit this ain't about me...
but hell i have feelings too and i wonder...damn is this shit about me?
so now i think shes chillin...doing a'ight...
but i worry...i worry alot...
back to what i was saying before about BlackHistoryMonth...this year has definitely been a test of my patience...
as an activist you tend to find yourself defending black folx...sometimes to the bitter end...only to have them prove that they weren't worth defending in the first place...so of course you have to check your ego at the door on some shit and not let the 10 ignorant ones stop you from helping that 1 who really needs you...
yeah this has been a great test in patience and love...
i have considered so much over time to just be like...fuck it...and just do what i gotta do to make it for myself...
but even though there are days when i would prefer to be Dominican *chuckle*
i know that i ain't nothing but an all-american negro, black, african queen...so i gotta keep pushing on for my people the best way i can...
fa sho
by the way...did i tell y'all how much i'm diggin...musiq soulchild?
damn thats my guy!
i'm out...

Wednesday, February 14, 2001
1 minute and i have to go to a board meeting for bsu...
did you know how much black history month....is a TRIP?!!!!
anyone out there who is a President of a Black Student Union will know what I am saying...
and i used to love this month...

Monday, February 05, 2001
okay lets be real...
its february...and ummmmm...i have done nothing for black history month...
yep its my month...
and i'm not on point...
this month is about to be fucked up!!!
i need to get on my shit...
this week i have to tie up all loose ends...
i have to get in the library and talk to whomever wanted to do a book display...
right now...in this moment...i feel like a loser...

Sunday, February 04, 2001

it has been too long since the last time i posted to this thing...
and come to think of it...i've been at the peak of stressed since the last time
i really posted so maybe there is some kind of connection...*hmmm*
in any case let me just update you...
i finished BSU's budget
yeah...its a very intense project...especially when they spread everything out during the first semester
and then right when you come back Forms I, IVa, IVb, and V are all due in one week!
i have to admit this would be the one thing that would stop me from running again!
besides the extra headache there is extra pressure as well...
you see the chair of AFRC (Activities Fee Review Committee) is
one of those Republicans who actually has been outspoken against minority student groups...
but get this...he is "one of those minorities"...he's...native american
so he's a "minority" when its convenient which pisses me the fuck off...
so of course, when i'm trying to finish up the budget with my treasurer i have to make sure that every "i" is dotted and every "t" is crossed because i don't want to have to go into appeals and be pissed off!
the thing is...i do understand that if an organization requests $15,000 that doesn't mean that you are gonna get it...
because the activities fees are paid for by the students and since our enrollment has been down the past couple of years
(and believe me it has more to do with our school and the way they recruit than anything else)
but when you have a chair of a committee who is:
a) a student
b) a power hungry student
c) a conservative biased student who has the mark of internalized racism all over him
then there are issues!
and no person in the administration wants to hear that.
although this year, if we have to go up for an appeal there might be a bigger hoop-la because
we have done so much in the community and with the campus that if they try to cut us in some bogus way
they might be up for a fight.
in any case...
thats just part of my stress...
now my secretary resigned because she said that there was "no unity" within the organization...
i hate that!
i hate when people use "no unity" as a way to get out of something...
i just want to say...
"you are right there is no unity when people like YOU just leave without making it better"
but i figure its better that shes gone anyway cause she wasn't doing shit in the first place.
that is why...
when i do run for BSU President again next year i am running a slate...
i have my peeps already picked:
Vice-President: Tajuan Beasley(money maker! and an activist like myself!)
Secretary: not sure yet
Treasurer: Paul Brifo (he is the best! he knows exactly what to do and how to do it when it comes to money!)
M.C.S.A. Representative: Sabrina Walton (she loves that government-Roberts Rules of Order-b.s. that goes on in Student Government plus shes a hard worker and an idea woman)
These are the folx i know will do what they are supposed to do!
i am just waiting until march so we can get shit started!
i am just...i don't know...stressin...
and its becoming annoying...
plus...she has been sick for at least a week and of course
i'm getting sick too...
oh well...
i'm gonna go and play the sims...
